What (Devil) Babies Do | 魔童
What (Devil) Babies Do
ink on paper 2014 50 x 70 cm |
This project is based on a common belief that all babies are born to be a plain paper, and that nurturing and educating will leave some people to end up being evil. I used a simple shape of a baby head as a starting point to draw a series of heads of The Seven Princes of Hell from Christian Demonology.
《魔童》(What (Devil) Babies Do) 這件作品基於一個說法:「每個嬰兒都是一張白紙;環境及教育成為影響他們成長及變化差異的主因。」我嘗試透過繪畫地獄七君主-路西法(傲慢),利維坦(嫉妒),巴力西卜(貪食),瑪門(貪婪),撒旦(憤怒),阿斯摩太(色慾),貝爾芬格(懶惰)等去探索本質中性的孩童如何轉化成為駭人的惡魔。 |