The Scar | 疤痕
The Scar
2011 mixed media Duration: 3'34"mins 178cm x 74cm x 270cm *ceramics, light-boxes, video projection, x-ray films |
Through filming and ceramic casting, I wanted to revisit the process of the brain surgery I underwent as a child. The surgery left a long scar on my forehead and it became a trigger point of all my underlying fears and anxieties. The repetitive and step by step process of creating this work became a soul-searching experience: a path from dealing with unconscious fear to questioning what exactly fear is and where it comes from.
《疤痕》(The Scar) 是一件從我以往一個腦部手術的經驗所出發。在手術過後,疤痕一直以一個怪異、額外附加物的形式留在我的身體上。作品分了三個部份,第一個部份展示了醫學X光片(一個理性表述整件事的起點)到情感的轉化(嘗試倒模嬰孩模型)再轉化情感的抒發(在嬰孩陶瓷模型上重複割開並縫合,留下跟作者頭上一樣的疤痕)。陶瓷嬰孩成為情感轉化的載體,如何判定完美和畸型的標準成了這件作品的重要思考課題。 |