Story of 5846 | 5846的故事
Story of 5846
2011 spray paint on wall dimensions variable |
Story of 5846 is a comic formed by stencil spraying. It tells the story of a white rabbit named 5846 who has a long scar on his head and is discriminated and expelled by a group of white rabbits (rabbits are always depicted as pure and cute creature in children’s books). In the white rabbits’ culture, a scar is a sign of disgrace and curse. However, 5846 gets to be accepted and admired by a group of black bears (bears are always depicted as cruel and uncivilized in children’s books). To the black bears, a scar is a symbol of overcoming and glory. In this work, I explore the way in which different cultures judge a specific situation differently and the evolution of trends in social norming.
《5846的故事》(Story of 5846)是另一個由模板噴柒完成的作品,以漫畫的形式把一隻白兔在白兔群中(白兔多被故事書突顯是純潔和可愛的物種)如何被排擠及歧視,其後該隻白兔卻被黑熊(黑熊多被童話故事朔造成是凶殘的形象)所接納和欣賞。這件作品主要探討同一個情況如何被不同群組所消化和理解,而得出的結果往往會超出大家的預期和超出大家關性對事物的理解。 |