Phobos and Deimos | 福波斯與得摩斯
Phobos and Deimos
2016, ink and emulsion paint on canvas, 46 x 91 cm each (diptych) |
Phobos and Deimos are twins sons of The God of War, Ares, in Greek mythology. They are God of Fear and God of Terror respectively. I try to embrace the feeling of my anxious by imagining and painting their portraits, to understand this unstable and unspeakable condition in my mind.
福波斯及得摩斯是希臘神話中,戰神阿瑞斯的雙胞胎兒子,分別象徵畏懼(Fear)和驚恐(Terror),我嘗試以想像和繪畫他們的肖像,從而去擁抱自己內心的不安,了解這種不穩定而又難以言喻的狀態。 |